Corporate Interior Design
Happy employees are productive employees, and part of making your employees happy to create a welcoming, harmonious working environment. In addition, a stylish, well-appointed office space will speak volumes about your company, without saying a word. J Design group is passionate about creating happy employees through our ability to build an office oasis that caters to your employees' every need.
For a FREE Commercial Interior Design Consultation call us at (305) 444-4611 or email us at
Because first impressions are everything, we position ourselves as customers, employees and simple passers-by to create an inviting corporate interior design that takes everyone into consideration. For example, our first impression of your current corporate interior design may be acquired through your lobby; so we might start by experiencing your seating, use of colour, and accessories. Our job is to analyze, absorb and then create, keeping in mind that everything you, your employees, and your clients touch, see, feel and smell is an expression of the kind of company you are.
J Design has experience that covers the spectrum. From artsy companies that cater to a young, hip clientele to well-established, time-honored companies with multi-generational clients. At J Design, we can choose your colours (Bright or subdued? Neutrals or primaries?), and accessories (stainless steel or dark woods?) according to the kind of image you want to project and the clientele you want to attract.
We can turn tight spaces, such as hallways and smaller rooms, into functional, mental playgrounds through lighting and decor, while allowing you the opportunity to experience some wonderful design “moments.” We will show you corporate interior designs that permanently remove and un-invite clutter in your spaces, and use an arsenal of accessories including floor plants, narrow tables, eye-catching flowers, and mirrors to create the illusion of more space.
Did you ever stop to consider the importance of interior design in the employee “break room”. When you provide a comfortable, relaxing place for workers to enjoy a cup of coffee or a bite of lunch, you will be paid back in happier, more productive employees. In our world of cubicles and fluorescent lighting, a lunch room ought to be a respite during the work day. Comfortable seating, lush, green plants and plenty of light – preferably natural – will go a long way toward creating a space your employees will want to use. Let J Design group go the extra mile helping you to add a few "appreciation" extras to your employees private places!
In general, corporate interior design is about two things: creating an image and making happy customers, visitors, and employees. Both can be achieved through the experience and expertise of J Design Group.